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Book Blitz: Choosing Happiness by Melissa Stevens

Choosing happiness bannerBuongiorno a tutti! Piano piano ci stiamo rimettendo in carreggiata, ma avevamo sottovalutato lo studio per gli esami di settembre. Possiamo farcela, promesso. Intanto, grazie a XPresso BookTours ho avuto l’occasione di farvi conoscere questo libro uscito pochi giorni fa e di cui ho adorato la copertina nel momento in cui l’ho vista. Se già per quel motivo mi ispirava, la trama e l’estratto mi hanno ulteriormente invogliata a leggerlo. E voi? Che ne dite?
Quasi dimenticavo, in fondo al post trovate anche il giveaway internazionale aperto fino al 13 agosto per vincere una copia cartacea del libro. Che aspettate?

Hello everyone! I want to thank XPresso BookTours for making me discover this book and for giving me the opportunity to present it to you. The book was released a few days ago and I loved the cover from the moment I saw it. Reading the synopsis and the excerpt made me want to read it even more. What do you say? Do you like it too?
I almost forgot, at the end of the post you’ll fin an international giveaway which will give you the opportunity to win a paperback copy of the book. The giveaway ends Augusth 13th.

choosing happiness
Title: Choosing Happiness
Author: Melissa Stevens
Publication date: July 21st 2015
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Jake and Andrea met once. When Andrea was in college, Jake came with her brother Ben who was visiting on leave from a deployment in Afghanistan. Now, years later, Jake gets a job in Ben’s home town to be close to his best friend. He hadn’t counted on Andrea. The attraction he’d felt then was still there. And this time he wasn’t headed back to a war zone where he could very well be killed.

Andrea is drawn to the man who calls Ben brother. Something about him speaks to her, but she’s not sure what. She falls into things head first, but when something makes her question how fast things are going she slams on the breaks. Can the two of them figure out what’s going on with them before it’s too late?.



“Shit!” Andrea grabbed the steering wheel with both hands and carefully eased the vehicle onto the shoulder. “Damn, damn, damn!” She punctuated each word with a one fisted blow to the wheel.
Opening the door, she carefully stepped out of the car. The thin heels of her shoes sank into the gravel as she gingerly walked around the car to inspect the damage. Sure enough, she’d blown a tire.
She bent, balancing carefully on the balls of her feet and looked into the wheel well around the damaged tire. There didn’t appear to be any body damage, but she’d have to get the tire off to be sure. She stood and cautiously stepped back to the open driver’s door, she’d pulled far enough off the road that passing traffic wouldn’t hit her door, but that meant the blown tire was on the soft shoulder.
“Why now?” she asked the wind. “Why not when I’m wearing jeans and tennies? Or when I don’t have somewhere I need to be?” She set the emergency break and had to turn back to flip the switch for the flashers before going to the back. Opening the back gate, she rolled up the carpet to get to where the jack was stored. After pulling it out she used the lug wrench to lower the spare from beneath the small SUV.
“Damn it all,” she muttered, wishing she hadn’t taken her gym bag into the house that morning. At least she would have had some way to protect her dress, not to mention shoes that would be easier to work in.
Freeing the spare, she grabbed the old blanket she kept in the back for emergencies and partially unfolded it before spreading it out next to the shredded tire. After retrieving the good tire and the jack, she kicked her heels off, preferring to work barefooted over trying to balance on the spikes.
She struggled for several minutes but managed to loosen the lug nuts so the tire wouldn’t spin in the air if she tried to do it later. Once she had all the nuts loose, she bent low so she could see under the tilted frame, and placed the jack in the right spot.
Her head was still under the car when the pop of tires on gravel told her someone had pulled off the road behind her.
“Need some help?” A deep masculine voice asked as she pushed herself to her feet. When she saw him she stopped short for just a moment. Something about this man niggled the back of her mind, told her she’d seen him before. He was tall but not bulky and the snug fit of his t-shirt and jeans told her he was all muscle. Something about him called to her and made her stomach flip-flop. She couldn’t help but smile as he approached wearing a friendly smile under his baseball cap as he offered his assistance.
“I’d appreciate it,” she admitted. “Normally I’d have no trouble doing it myself but I’m not exactly dressed for the job.” She spread her arms wide, showing off her turquoise dress. It was cut to flatter her thick frame, showing off all her curves well and stopping just above her knees.
“At least you had the sense to lose the heels.” He took her place beside the car and bent to check the placement of the jack before he started lifting the car. “You already break the nuts?” He stopped and looked at her for a moment before the tire cleared the ground.
“Yes.” She stepped back into her shoes and tried to stay out of the way as he finished changing her tire and put the blanket and damaged tire into the back of the vehicle. “Thanks so much.” She extended one hand. “Can I get your name? I’d like to do something to thank you. This has been a huge help.”


“It’s really no problem. My name’s Jake, Jake Walters.” He took her offered hand and shook it. “But you don’t have to do anything, it’s always a pleasure to help a pretty lady, especially one dressed so nicely.” He looked her up and down again, from the top of her head where her hair was pulled back in some elaborate style, down her curvy body, and well-shaped legs. He liked what he saw. She hadn’t changed much in the years since he’d first met her.
“Now I remember.” Her eyes widened and a smile bloomed across her face. “You’re Ben’s friend. He brought you home with him on leave a few years ago.”
“I am.”
“You here for the wedding?”
“Yes and no. I’ll be there, but I’ve recently moved to the area.”
“That’s great.” A car blew past them on the road, barely slowing as it went by. “Look, I’m sorry to do this but I’ve got to go. I’m late already.”
“No problem. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
“You probably will. That tends to happen in a town this size.”

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Melissa was born and raised in Arizona, she’s spent her entire life living across the southern half of the state. She’s found that, along with her husband and three children, she prefers the small towns and rural life to feeling packed into a city.

She started reading at a very young age, and her love for series started early, as the first real books she remembers reading is the Boxcar Children series by Gertrude Chandler Warner. Through the years she’s found that there’s little she won’t read, and her tastes vary from westerns, to romance, to sci-fi / fantasy and Horror.

She’s been writing since 2009, and enjoys nearly every minute of it.

Thanks to XPresso Book Tours for giving us the opportunity to promote this book.

kia firma

Recensione: The Dreamer di E. J. Mellow

Sono tornata con una recensione di un libro e non mi sembra vero. Negli ultimi mesi non ho letto tanto e questo si è visto dal fatto che le recensioni sono svanite di punto in bianco. Spero possiate perdonarmi, ma la sessione estiva di quest’anno si sta rivelando davvero intensa. Per fortuna fra poco dovrebbe terminare la prima parte e potrò tornare a scrivere qualche recensione prima di ributtarmi nello studio matto e disperato per settembre.
Il libro di oggi mi è stato inviato da Xpresso Book Tours in cambio di un’onesta opinione ed è veramente bello.

the dreamer
Titolo: The Dreamer (Dreamland #1)
Autore: E. J. Mellow
Editore: Self
Disponibile in italiano: No

It’s night. Always night. Dreams guard against the evil forged by nightmares. Infinite shooting stars illuminate a moonless sky. A city stands alone, surrounded by a darkened field. On its fringes, a man watches one star separate from the masses and fall. What survives the crash will unveil a secret centuries long hidden.

Molly hasn’t slept well since the night of her twenty-fourth birthday. Being struck by lightning might have something to do with it, but then again, her chicken did look a little undercooked at dinner. Whatever the culprit, her life quickly catapults from mundane to insane as, night after night, Molly is transported through her once dreamless sleep to a mysterious land illuminated by shooting stars.

There she meets the captivating but frustrating Dev, and together they discover Molly possesses a power coveted by his people—the ability to conjure almost anything she desires into existence. Seduced by the possibilities of this gift, Molly shifts her attention from waking life toward the man, the magic, and the world found in her dreams.

But Molly must ask herself—does something truly exist if you only see it when you close your eyes?

Faced with the threat of losing everything—her job, best friend, boyfriend, and most importantly, that little thing called her sanity—Molly will learn just how far she’ll go to uncover what is real and what is merely a figment of her imagination.

us I want to thank XPresso Book Tours for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

It’s not a mystery that I have a thing for dreams and all the things dream-related. I find fascinating how the mind wanders at night, while we’re sleeping. I dream a lot and I can’t remember anything the morning after. Sometimes I wake up with an emotion or a feeling I can’t really explain, but that is the only thing that I have left after hours of sleep.
When I got an email from Xpresso Book Tours with the available review opportunities, I fell in love with the cover of The Dreamer. I read the synopsis and that was it: I had to get my hands on that book. They accepted my request and here it is, my first review in English. I hope you will forgive the mistakes I’m sure I’m going to make, but I will try my best to write correctly (Anna and Kia will read this until we get it as correct as possibile) 😉

The story is quite simple at the beginning. We have this woman, Molly, who’s out with her boyfriend Jared to celebrate her birthday. At the end of the evening, she goes home alone and that’s where the story begins. She’s struck by lightning and as soon as she wakes up, she realizes something has changed.

And then there are the dreams that feel as authentic as reality itself, that seem to exist just as your own life does. Where the emotions you experience there carry over to when you’re awake. They are so real, so genuine, that you begin to question your own sanity. And you know that when the day comes that you finally stop dreaming them, you will never stop remembering

I’m not a fan of love triangles. I actually kind of hate them, but in this book I found it appropriate. The main character is attracted by two differen men, but one of them seems to exist only in her dreams and she’s unable to understand if Dev is real or if she’s just going crazy. Jared and Dev, sort of represent the two worlds she’s torn between: the real one and the dream one. I hope in the next books Molly will decide which of the two she wants, because I wouldn’t like the love triangle to be carried along for long.
The characters are all well portrayed, although the focus is always on Molly and we are not allowed to know the other characters better. Her friends, Jared, Devlin and the other people are there, but not as present as Molly. I liked the relationship Molly has with her best friend, because it shows that they really care for each other.

The book is well written and not too difficult if English isn’t your language. I found it easy to read and I couldn’t put it down, which is a good thing. I really liked how descriptive the whole story was and I was surprised because, usually, in books narrated from the main character’s perspective, the world and all the people in it are seen through a filter, made of the character’s emotions and ideas.

There’s no need to say that my favourite parts were those in which Molly was in the “Dreamland”. The author described the place so well and made it all sound so magical, I wished more than once that I could hop into the pages and go have adventures myself. I found fascinating the way the world was organized with the people and the buildings. I loved the way they move in that place, from building to building, sliding on a line. I feel like it would be scary but amazing.

Of course, it couldn’t be a perfect world and we discover that there are creatures that crawl in the dark, creating our nightmares. These creatures have to be defeated and it seems Molly is the one that will help the people in “Dreamland” do it. I’m curious about the power that Molly has in that world, because she seems to be able to change it and use the energy inside her to fight and trasform things. In this first book this ability of hers is poorly explained, but I hope it will be fully developed in the next books.

So, if you are a dream-fanatic like me and you have the courage to jump into another trilogy (because we know that lately there seem to exist only trilogies) this could be a perfect book for you.

rating 4

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it   La storia è abbastanza semplice. Abbiamo Molly che esce a cena con il fidanzato Jared a festeggiare il compleanno. Alla fine della serata, mentre sta andando a casa, viene colpita da un fulmine e appena si risveglia, capisce che qualcosa è cambiato.
È facile relazionarsi a Molly, perché è una persona normale, come chiunque altro. Non è perfetta, non è estramamente buona, dolce o carina e non è nemmeno la cattiveria fatta persona. È semplicemente umana. Sono riuscita a relazionarmi molto ma, a differenza mia, Molly non ha mai sognato nulla, fino ad ora. Dopo l’incidente inizia ad avere questi strani sogni in cui si ritrova in questo mondo incredibile, dove il cielo è illuminato da migliaia di stelle cadenti e dove incontra Devlin.

And then there are the dreams that feel as authentic as reality itself, that seem to exist just as your own life does. Where the emotions you experience there carry over to when you’re awake. They are so real, so genuine, that you begin to question your own sanity. And you know that when the day comes that you finally stop dreaming them, you will never stop remembering

Non sono una fan dei triangoli amorosi. Quasi non li sopporto, ma in questo libro l’ho trovato abbastanza appropriato. Molly è attratta da due uomini differenti, ma uno di loro sembra esistere solo nei suoi sogni e la ragazza non è in grado di capire se Dev è reale o se sta impazzendo. Jared e Dev rappresentano un po’ i due mondi tra cui Molly è divisa: quello reale e quello dei sogni. Spero vivamente che nei prossimi libri riesca a decidere chi dei due vuole, perché non penso mi piacerebbe vedere la storia del triangolo tirata avanti a lungo.

I personaggi sono tutti ben descritti, anche se l’attenzione principale è sempre su Molly e non ci viene data l’opportunità di conoscere bene gli altri. I suoi amici, Jared, Devlin e le altre persona sono lì, ma non presenti quanto Molly. Mi è piaciuta la relazione della protagonista con la sua migliore amica, perché si vede che tengono molto una all’altra.

Il libro è scritto bene e non è particolarmente difficile come livello d’inglese, quindi è un bel libro per quelli la cui lingua madre non è l’inglese. L’ho trovato facile da leggere e non riuscivo a poggiarlo, cosa che considero ottima per un libro. Mi è piaciuto che il romanzo sia molto descrittivo e un po’ mi sono sorpresa perché, solitamente, i libri narrati in prima persona ti mostrano il mondo e le persone attraverso un filtro, fatto delle idee e delle emozioni del personaggio.

Non c’è bisogno di dire che ho amato le parti ambientate nel mondo dei sogni. L’autrice ha descritto il luogo particolarmente bene e tutto sembra così magico che ho sperato più di una volta di poter saltare nelle pagine e vivere quelle avventure. Ho trovato affascinante il modo in cui si spostano nella città, da palazzo a palazzo su delle specie di carrucole. Trovo che sarebbe terrificante e fantastico allo stesso tempo.

Ovviamente, non poteva essere un mondo perfetto e scopriamo che esistono creature che strisciano nell’ombra di quella terra, creando quelli che noi chiamiamo incubi. Queste creature devono essere sconfitte e sembra che proprio Molly sia destinata ad aiutare le persone che vivono in questa terra a farlo. Sono curiosa riguardo il potere che Molly sviluppa nei suoi sogni, perché riesce a cambiare il mondo che la circonda, modellandolo a suo piacimento. Nel primo libro questa sua abilità viene appena accennata, ma spero che venga sviluppata meglio nei prossimi volumi.

Se siete dei fanatici dei sogni come me e se avete il coraggio di affrontare l’ennesima trilogia (lo so che ormai è un miracolo trovare un volume unico) questo potrebbe essere il libro perfetto per voi.

rating 4

mon firma

Book Blitz: Easier to Run by Silver Rain

easier to run bannerCiao a tutti! Posso decisamente affermare che questa cosa di Book Blitz e Cover Reveal può diventare una droga. Anzi peggio. Oh, una copertina bella – sign up -. Oh, questo libro sembra interessante – sign up -. Ma non ho intenzione di smettere. Detto questo, sono d’accordo sul fatto che la copertina non sia tra le più belle in assoluto ma, dopo aver letto sinossi e prologo, non sono riuscita a dire di no. Quindi eccovi un nuovo Book Blitz, corredato di prologo e stuzzicosissimo Giveaway!

 Hello everyone! Apparently, signing up for Book Blitzes and Cover Reveals turns out to be quite addicting. You receive a lot of e-mail with covers and informations and you simply cannot stop yourself from clicking that “Sign up” button. This cover is not the most beautiful cover ever, but the synopsis and the prologue (which you can find down below) are quite interesting. You’ll find a giveaway which gives you the possibility to win an Amazon Gift Card. 

easier to run
Title: Easier to Run
Author: Silver Rain
Publication date: May 4th, 2015
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“He took my world by storm with four simple words ‘I’m your new neighbor.’ I was only five at the time, but I couldn’t look away from the older boy staring at me through the hole in our back yard fence. In my mind, he was mine from that moment, but I knew that could never happen.
When I was fifteen, I learned that things that should never happen can sweep in and rip your entire life to shreds.
I lost everything.
I lost him….”

Six years after tragedy changed Cassie’s life forever, she continues to yearn for that one thing that will make her feel whole–the boy she was taken away from. The boy who had stood by her side and defended her at every turn. The boy whose shoulder she cried on when her parents died, after her sister committed suicide, during her testimony against her brother-in-law.
With her past a heavy burden that sits on her chest, threatening to suffocate her every night, she somehow finds the strength to go back and face it. To finally go back and find the man who might make her heart beat again and ease the dead pain she feels inside.

But six years can change people, and their relationship can never be the same.



There are moments in life when you know you can’t go back and nothing will ever be the same. Sometimes, they replay on slow motion in your head, reminding you of who you once were and how you came to be who you are now.
Sometimes, they eat away at you from the inside, like micro-crystals of poison growing in the back of your mind and seeping into your entire body.
Life can rob you of the things you hold dearest, and no matter how tightly you hold on, it leaves you helpless to watch as caskets are lowered, bridges are burned, and things you once held sacred fade to ashes caught on the wind.
I keep running because there’s no way to get back the things I’ve lost. The people I’ve lost. But there’s still one person who might be worth clinging to. One boy who saved me from my own self-doubt more times than I can fathom. One man who was by my side, his support never faltering, even as life threw the worst at me.
But there’s one big problem.
I haven’t even spoken to him in six years. Life moved on, and I’m terrified to know where it took him. I’m terrified to tell him where it took me.
Now that I’m ready to go back, will there be anything left?
Will he push me away?
Will he even recognize who I am today?
It’s easier to run.
Maybe, just one more time, he’ll let me run away with him.

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Silver Rain loves meeting new book boyfriends of every flavor, so when a dream imprinted a heartbreaking and beautiful love story in her head, she decided to pick up her pen and release some of the steamy characters who begged her to run away with them.

Thanks to XPresso Book Tours for giving us the opportunity to promote this book.

kia firma

Book Blitz: White Raven by J.L. Weil

White Raven Banner

Primo Book Blitz e siamo particolarmente eccitate. Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo iniziato a sperimentare con i post del blog, introducendo rubriche e tentando un Cover Reveal la settimana scorsa. Quando abbiamo visto la copertina di questo libro, Kia ha iniziato a saltellare sulla sedia da quanto le piaceva e abbiamo cliccato subito il bottone per iscriverci al BookBlitz.
In fondo al post troverete anche un giveaway per vincere una copia digitale di White Raven, che terminerà il 15 Maggio.

This is our first Book Blitz and we’re so excited. In the last few months we tried out new things, like Cover Reveals or Book Tags and it’s always fun to try something different. When we saw the cover of this book we couldn’t stop ourselves from hitting the “Sign up for this Blitz” button and here we are.
We are hosting a giveaway for one e-book copy of White Raven, open internationally. The giveaway starts today and ends on May 15th.

white raven
Title: White Raven (Raven Series #1)
Author: J. L. Weil
Publication date: March 27th, 2015
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It only took one heartbeat to change my life—one chilling phone call in the middle of the night.
And then, as if my life didn’t already suck, my dad sends my brother and me to some idyllic island for the summer to live with a grandma we never met. WTH. Naturally, I rebel. In the end, I find myself shipped off to Raven Hallow…and bored to tears.
Until I get an eyeful of the mind-bendingly gorgeous Zane Hunter. The dark-hair cutie makes my pulse go bonkers, and I think, maybe this might not be so bad after all. Six feet of swoon inducing looks, with a hint of Celtic charm in his voice, he was the type of guy that left a string of broken hearts in his wake. And I had all the heartbreak I could handle.
Yet, there is something uncanny, almost supernatural about Zane, and it’s not just his devastating smirk. No matter how much distance I put between us, Raven Hallow isn’t big enough, and the sparking tension between is undeniable. Of course, the one person I want to avoid becomes my salvation.
My past comes back to terrorize me. Someone wants me dead, and the closer I get to the truth, the more I realize my whole life is a lie. I am no longer sure what is more frightening—the attempts on my life or the guy whose heart and soul are synchronized with mine.



TJ and Rose kept the conversation rolling as I gave the appropriate one-word responses or a head nod. I didn’t have much of an appetite, mostly picking at my chicken Caesar salad and gazing out at the ocean, until…
His hair was black as a wintry night, eyes icy blue as a gypsy’s heart. He had a lazy saunter about him and a glint of humor twinkling in those heart-melting eyes. There was nothing loose about his body, muscles bunching as he tethered a boat to the dock. I twiddled the straw, staring brazenly.
Good God. I wanted to have his babies. Not now, but most definitely someday.
And just like that, my summer got a billion times hotter…and interesting—way more interesting. I bit my lip, mulling over how I was going to accidently fall into his pants. Um—I mean path or even his lap would do, anything to get that one’s attention.
Drool hit the table in a mad case of fangirl, and I didn’t even know his name.
As if he sensed he was being slobbered over, his eyes scraped over me, and I held my breath. Holy hot tamales. An electric bolt of…lust maybe, I really didn’t know what it was, but it coiled through my body, making me shudder. A flicker of an unidentified emotion crossed his face, right before a secret smile appeared on his lips. Oh man, don’t get me started on his lips.
Elbows propped on the table, I rested my head on the edge of my palms, continually gazing and getting lost in the depths of his eyes. He hypnotized me. I followed his movements, my eyes glued to him. Then one of my elbows slipped off the table in classic Piper form, and down I went. I caught myself just before my chin whacked a corner of the patio table.
Only me.
Mortified, I closed my eyes.
TJ laughed. “Smooth, Pipe. I think you made a lasting impression.”

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Award-winning and Bestselling author J.L. Weil writes Teen & New Adult Paranormal Romances about spunky, smart mouth girls who always wind up in dire situations. For every sassy girl, there is an equally mouthwatering, overprotective guy. Of course there is lots of kissing. And stuff.
Most of her books are for ages 16+. They usually have what she considers the good stuff – sexual content (oh yeah) and swearing. You have been warned 😉
An admitted addict to Love Pink clothes, raspberry mochas from Starbucks, (yum!) and Jensen Ackles (double yum!). She loves gushing about books and Supernatural with her readers.

Thanks to XPresso Book Tours for giving us the opportunity to promote this book.