throne of glass

Teaser Tuesday #80

Amo questa serie, non c’è niente da fare. L’ho iniziata per caso, non mi ricordo nemmeno perché e ho fatto una scelta ottima. I primi libri so che sono stati tradotti in italiano quindi se volete correte a leggerli perché meritano davvero. La storia è incredibile e costruita in maniera magistrale. Un mondo assurdo e pensato in ogni dettaglio. Non vedo sinceramente di avere fra le mani l’ultimo libro perché sarà incredibile. Intanto vi lascio con un estratto del quinto libro della serie 😉
teaser tuesday

Elide had no words to express to Lorcan what she’d felt in that moment he’d let the shield drop. What she’d felt when the silver-haired, tattooed warrior-prince had halted that fatal bloodshed.
But she had no breath in her body when she looked over Lorcan’s broad shoulder and beheld the golden-haired woman striding toward them.
Young, and yet her face … It was an ancient face, wary and cunning and limned with power. Beautiful, with the sun-kissed skin, the vibrant turquoise eyes. Turquoise eyes, with a core of gold around the pupil.
Ashryver eyes.
The same as the golden-haired, handsome man who came up beside her, muscled body tense as he assessed whether he’d need to spill blood, a bow dangling from his hand.
Two sides of the same golden coin.
Aelin. Aedion.
They were both staring at her with those Ashryver eyes.
Aelin blinked. And her golden face crumpled as she said, “Are you Elide?”
It was all Elide could do to nod. Lorcan was taut as a bowstring, his body still half angled over her.
Aelin strode closer, eyes never leaving Elide’s face. Young—she felt so young compared to the woman who approached. There were scars all over Aelin’s hands, along her neck, around her wrists … where shackles had been.
Aelin slid to her knees not a foot away, and it occurred to Elide that she should be bowing, head to the dirt—
“You look … so much like your mother,” Aelin said, her voice cracking. Aedion silently knelt, putting a broad hand on Aelin’s shoulder.
Her mother, who had gone down swinging, who had died fighting so this woman could live—
“I’m sorry,” Aelin said, shoulders curving inward, head dropping low as tears slid down her flushed cheeks. “I’m so sorry.” How many years had those words been locked up?
Elide’s arm ached, but it didn’t stop her from touching Aelin’s hand, clenched in her lap.
Touching that tanned, scarred hand. Warm, sticky skin met her fingertips.
Real. This was—Aelin was—real.
As if Aelin realized the same, her head lifted. She opened her mouth, but her lips wobbled, and the queen clamped them together.
None of the gathered company spoke.
And at last Aelin said to Elide, “She bought me time.”
Elide knew who the queen meant.
Aelin’s hand began shaking. The queen’s voice broke entirely as she said, “I am alive today because of your mother.”
Elide only whispered, “I know.”
“She told me to tell you …” A shuddering inhale. But Aelin didn’t break her stare, even as tears continued cutting through the dirt on her cheeks. “Your mother told me to tell you that she loves you—very much. Those were her last words to me. ‘Tell my Elide I love her very much.’”
For over ten years, Aelin had been the sole bearer of those final words. Ten years, through death and despair and war, Aelin had carried them across kingdoms.
And here, at the edge of the world, they had found each other again. Here at the edge of the world, just for a heartbeat, Elide felt the warm hand of her mother brush her shoulder.

Chapter 57 – EMPIRE OF STORMS (Throne of Glass #5) di Sarah J. Maas

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empire of storms cover
The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves at odds with those who don’t.As the kingdoms of Erilea fracture around her, enemies must become allies if Aelin is to keep those she loves from falling to the dark forces poised to claim her world. With war looming on all horizons, the only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may mark the end of everything Aelin holds dear.Aelin’s journey from assassin to queen has entranced millions across the globe, and this fifth installment will leave fans breathless. Will Aelin succeed in keeping her world from splintering, or will it all come crashing down?

mon firma

Letture del mese – Luglio 2016

mon firma

Titolo: The Destiny of Violet & Luke (The Coincidence #3)
Titolo italiano: Con te sarà un disastro
Autore: Jessica Sorensen
Genere: Romance
Pagine: 336
rating 2
Titolo: Notti in bianco, baci a colazione
Autore: Matteo Bussola
Genere: Contemporary
Pagine: 200
rating 5
Titolo: Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4)
Autore: Sarah J. Maas
Genere: Fantasy
Pagine: 648
rating 4
Titolo: The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1)
Autore: Marie Rutkoski
Genere: Fantasy
Pagine: 355
rating 4

divisore dx



la teoria del tutto

Titolo: La teoria del tutto
Autore: Jane Hawking
Genere: Biografia
Pagine: 586
rating 4

Titolo: Le notti di Seth (Nel cuore di New York #3)
Autore: Alessia Esse
Genere: Romance MM
Pagine: 274
Recensione (scritta dalla Mon)
rating 4.5
le notti di seth
la danese

Titolo: La Danese
Autore: David Ebershoff
Genere: Romance
Pagine: 320
rating 3

Titolo: Tutti i difetti che amo di te
Autore: Anna Premoli
Genere: Romance
Pagine: 280
rating 3.5
tutti i difetti che amo di te

Titolo: Dono: Lettera alla sconosciuta che ha salvato mio figlio
Autore: Emanuela Imprescia
Genere: Biografia
Pagine: 170
rating 5

Teaser Tuesday #70

Buongiorno a tutti.
Erano mesi che tentavo di leggere questo libro e non capisco davvero cosa mi impedisse di farlo, anche perché l’ho adorato, come i precedenti libri della serie. Se non la conoscete, datele una possibilità perché ne vale davvero la pena. La seria racchiude un sacco di elementi particolarmente interessanti: avrete assassini, principi, re e regine, streghe e il Popolo Fatato. I libri sono particolari e molto ben scritti quindi provate a leggerli e fatemi sapere che ne pensate!

teaser tuesday

She didn’t have a black gown fit for mourning, but Aelin figured Sam would have preferred to see her in something bright and lovely anyway. So she wore a tunic the color of spring grass, its sleeves capped with dusty golden velvet cuffs. Life, she thought as she strode through the small, pretty graveyard overlooking the Avery. The clothes Sam would have wanted her to wear reminded her of life.
The graveyard was empty, but the headstones and grass were well kept, and the towering oaks were budding with new leaves. A breeze coming in off the glimmering river set them sighing and ruffled her unbound hair, which was back now to its normal honey-gold.
Rowan had stayed near the little iron gate, leaning against one of those oaks to keep passersby on the quiet city street behind them from noticing him. If they did, his black clothes and weapons painted him as a mere bodyguard.
She had planned to come alone. But this morning she’d awoken and just … needed him with her.
The new grass cushioned each step between the pale headstones bathed in the sunlight streaming down.
She picked up pebbles along the way, discarding the misshapen and rough ones, keeping those that gleamed with bits of quartz or color. She clutched a fistful of them by the time she approached the last line of graves at the edge of the large, muddy river flowing lazily past.
It was a lovely grave—simple, clean—and on the stone was written:
Sam Cortland
Arobynn had left it blank—unmarked. But Wesley had explained in his letter how he’d asked the tombstone carver to come. She approached the grave, reading it over and over.
Beloved—not just by her, but by many.
Sam. Her Sam.
For a moment, she stared at that stretch of grass, at the white stone. For a moment she could see that beautiful face grinning at her, yelling at her, loving her. She opened her fist of pebbles and picked out the three loveliest—two for the years since he’d been taken from her, one for what they’d been together. Carefully, she placed them at the apex of the headstone’s curve.
Then she sat down against the stone, tucking her feet beneath her, and rested her head against the smooth, cool rock.
“Hello, Sam,” she breathed onto the river breeze.
She said nothing for a time, content to be near him, even in this form. The sun warmed her hair, a kiss of heat along her scalp. A trace of Mala, perhaps, even here.

Chapter 39 – QUEEN OF SHADOES [THRONE OF GLASS #4] di Sarah J. Maas

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queen of shadowsEveryone Celaena Sardothien loves has been taken from her. But she’s at last returned to the empire—for vengeance, to rescue her once-glorious kingdom, and to confront the shadows of her past . . .

She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die just to see her again. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queen’s triumphant return.

Celaena’s epic journey has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions across the globe. This fourth volume will hold readers rapt as Celaena’s story builds to a passionate, agonizing crescendo that might just shatter her world.

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