
Teaser Tuesday #132

Questa settimana sono esausta e siamo solo all’inizio. Sto leggendo Gemina, di cui vi lascio un estratto qui sotto (è proprio una delle prime pagine quindi niente spoiler promesso). Il libro mi sta piacendo moltissimo, ma non è veloce da leggere per la sua struttura particolare. La serie Illiminae ve la consiglio caldamente e spero traducano presto anche Gemina in modo che tutti possano leggerlo.

teaser tuesday

Chief Prosecutor: Gabriel Crowhurst, BSA, MFS, JD

Chief Defense Counsel: Kin Hebi, BSA, ARP, JD

Tribunal: Hua Li Jun, BSA, JD, MD; Saladin Al Nakat, BSA, JD; Shannelle Gillianne Chua, BSA, JD, OKT

Witness: Leanne Frobisher, Executive Director, BeiTech Industries, MFA, MBA, PhD

Date: 10/14/76

Timestamp: 13:06

—cont. from pg. 359—

Frobisher, L: …over seven hundred thousand employees across dozens of colonized worlds. Is it that difficult to believe?

Crowhurst, G: Dr. Frobisher, this was a major invasion. Thousands of personnel. Trillions of ISĦ worth of equipment. Yet you’re alleging you had no idea about your company’s attack on Wallace Ulyanov mining operations in the Kerenza Sector? Despite your position as director of acquisitions for BeiTech Industries?

Frobisher, L: [Consults with counsel.] I’ve already stated I was appointed to that role well after the alleged invasion.

Crowhurst, G: But well before BeiTech’s attack on Jump Station Heimdall.

Frobisher, L: Alleged attack.

Crowhurst, G: Dr. Frobisher, you’ve read accounts of the alleged attack left behind by residents Hanna Donnelly and Niklas Malikov, correct? I’d like to direct you to the Illuminae Files testimony, Exhibits 178a through—

Hebi, K: Defense objects to the inclusion of the so-called Illuminae documents in these proceedings in the strongest possible terms.

Al Nakat, S: Counselor, we’ve discussed this already. The documents have been accepted into the record. Move on.

Crowhurst, G: Dr. Frobisher? Have you reviewed the Illuminae Files?

Frobisher, L: [Consults with counsel.] Yes.

Crowhurst, G: What do you make of Niklas Malikov’s testimony?

Frobisher, L: Frankly, I’m surprised this tribunal considers the fictions of a teenage drug dealer and convicted criminal worthy of the title “testimony.”

Crowhurst, G: Dr. Frob—

Frobisher, L: A born-and-bred foot soldier of the Dom Najov? Son of Zakary Malikov? Everyone here knows what that boy went to prison for. This is your star witness?

Crowhurst, G: Do you understand this is the first Dom Najov testimony to ever be entered into the records of a UTA tribunal? The House of Knives cartel doesn’t speak to the authorities, Dr. Frobisher.

Frobisher, L: I’m certain if given a choice, Niklas Malikov wouldn’t have spoken either.

Crowhurst, G: But he didn’t have a choice, did he? Your people saw to that.

Hebi, K: Objection. Combative.

Crowhurst, G: I’ll withdraw.

Dr. Frobisher, I have a few questions regarding Mr. Malikov’s testimony, and that of Hanna Donnelly, as pertains to the alleged attack on Jump Station Heimdall.You wouldn’t mind if we review these files for a while, would you?

Frobisher, L: [Consults with counsel.] No. I have no objections.

Crowhurst, G: Excellent. Perhaps we should start at the beginning.

GEMINA di Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

gemina cover

Moving to a space station at the edge of the galaxy was always going to be the death of Hanna’s social life. Nobody said it might actually get her killed.

The sci-fi saga that began with the breakout bestseller Illuminaecontinues on board the Jump Station Heimdall, where two new characters will confront the next wave of the BeiTech assault.

Hanna is the station captain’s pampered daughter; Nik the reluctant member of a notorious crime family. But while the pair are struggling with the realities of life aboard the galaxy’s most boring space station, little do they know that Kady Grant and the Hypatia are headed right toward Heimdall, carrying news of the Kerenza invasion.

When an elite BeiTech strike team invades the station, Hanna and Nik are thrown together to defend their home. But alien predators are picking off the station residents one by one, and a malfunction in the station’s wormhole means the space-time continuum might be ripped in two before dinner. Soon Hanna and Nik aren’t just fighting for their own survival; the fate of everyone on the Hypatia—and possibly the known universe—is in their hands.

But relax. They’ve totally got this. They hope.

Once again told through a compelling dossier of emails, IMs, classified files, transcripts, and schematics, Gemina raises the stakes of the Illuminae Files, hurling readers into an enthralling new story that will leave them breathless.

Book Blitz: Mirror Image by Michele Pariza Wacek


Buongiorno a tutti! Nuovo Book Blitz e non vedevo l’ora di postarlo. Questa volta si tratta di un thriller che trovo abbia una copertina stupenda. È un sacco di tempo che non leggo un libro di questo genere e chissà che questo non mi dia la spinta a ricominciare. Se scorrete in basso, dopo l’estratto tratto dal libro, troverete un giveaway in cui potrete vincere una copia del primo libro della Wacek, “The stolen twin” e una giftcard da 10$ su Amazon. Non male no?!

Hello everyone! We’re back with another Book Blitz and this time we are going to promote a thriller by Michele Pariza Wacek. I find the cover to be gorgeous and the story seems interesting. If you scroll down you’re going to find a giveaway where you can win a copy oh Michele’s first book and a 10$ Amazon gift card. The giveaway ends June, 2nd 2016.

Title: Mirror Image
Author: Michele Pariza Wacek
Publication date: May 27th 2016
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Which would be worse, knowing that your dead sister has come back to life and is now a serial killer or that someone else is the killer….and that person is you?

Six months after Linda’s sister Elizabeth killed herself, Linda has finally gotten her life back to some semblance of normalcy. Until a killer appears who is stalking men … a killer who resembles Elizabeth … a killer who seems somehow familiar to Linda.

And, to make matters worse, Steve, her old high school crush and now a detective, is assigned to this case. He’s asking Linda all sorts of questions, questions Linda couldn’t possibly have an answer to.

There’s no reason for him to be investigating Linda. She couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this.

Could she?



When Elizabeth was born, her mother knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the hospital had made a mistake. It had been a difficult pregnancy. Marie spent most of it in bed, nauseated, uncomfortable, exhausted. She barely kept anything down, subsisting mostly on tea and saltine crackers. When the time came to deliver, the doctors  performed an emergency Caesarean section, so she wasn’t able to actually watch the birth. She couldn’t explain it, but the first time the nurses presented her with Elizabeth, she refused to even hold the baby. “There must be some mistake,” she insisted. “There’s no mistake,” the nurses said, their approach firm and no-nonsense. Blond and pale, Elizabeth looked nothing like the other dark haired members of the family. But it was more than that. Elizabeth felt wrong. Marie sensed it every single time she looked at Elizabeth, touched Elizabeth, smelled Elizabeth. The baby was alien to her. Elizabeth was not her baby. But she could do nothing about it. Her husband hadn’t seen the birth. He had refused to attend any of his children’s births. The nurses kept assuring her that no one had made, could possibly have made, a mistake. So Marie had little choice but to bring her home. Elizabeth was different, always — strange. Marie hated to use that word about any of her children, especially her youngest, but she could find no other word to describe her. Elizabeth was strange. Period. From birth, the baby kept quiet. Rarely fussed. Hardly cried. She started talking at six months, much earlier than the rest of her children, and started forming full sentences at just over a year old. She spent most of her time alone or, once she learned how, reading. In fact, Elizabeth remained such a quiet child, Marie could easily forget about her. It made her nervous. Elizabeth was too quiet. Even her scent was all wrong. Babies smelled warm and sweet, of milk and talcum powder. Elizabeth’s scent reminded her of meat just beginning to spoil: thick and rotten. But there was something else wrong with Elizabeth, something more serious than her near silence, her behavior, her scent. Even more serious than that alien feeling, which Marie had tried to dismiss as simple post-partum depression, although it never did go away entirely. When Marie was really being honest with herself, which didn’t happen often, she could admit what really disturbed her most about her daughter. Her eyes. Elizabeth had silver eyes. Not always. Most of the time they looked gray. But sometimes, they changed to silver. Occasionally, Marie even thought she could see them glowing, like a cat’s. Especially at night. There Elizabeth would be, lying on her back, perfectly quiet in her crib, her eyes strangely open, shining faintly in the darkness. Marie would tell herself that Elizabeth’s eyes merely reflected the nightlight in a bizarre fashion. After all, none of her other children’s eyes ever glowed. But it still didn’t make her any easier to face, late at night, as silver eyes stared at her from the darkness. They seemed so old, so ancient. Eyes that had seen thousands of years and hundreds of lifetimes. Those eyes peered out from her newborn’s face, watching her every move, strangely calculating, full of adult understanding and knowledge. She felt afraid, if she were being honest … all alone in the room with those peculiar silver eyes watching, watching, always watching. Nonsense, she reassured herself. Surely, she could not be afraid of her own infant daughter! What would her husband say? Plenty probably, and most of it with his fists. Still, she found herself checking on Elizabeth less and less. She argued with herself: Elizabeth didn’t fuss much anyway. Marie didn’t need to check on her so often — not like she did with her other, noisy, “normal” babies. Her other children. Such a joy they were, her four boys and other girl — Peter, Mark, Mike, Chad and Linda. All healthy, regular children, with coarse dark hair, brown eyes and a little bit of baby fat on their bones. They looked the way children should look, the way her children should look, like their parents. But more importantly, they acted the way children should act — loud, boisterous, rough, needy. Marie loved them for it, loved how she couldn’t get a moment’s peace when they played together. Even when their play turned to fighting, she still preferred it to Elizabeth’s silent, eerie presence. But Marie loved Elizabeth, too. Loved her fiercely, with the same passion she felt for her other children. Marie knew she did. She told herself she did, time and time again. The fact that she felt relief when Elizabeth wasn’t around meant nothing. She just needed time away from her children, after all. Almost all mothers welcomed the time they had away from their constant, children-related responsibilities. It didn’t mean she loved them any less. It didn’t mean anything at all.


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When Michele was 3 years old, she taught herself to read because she wanted to write stories so badly.

As you can imagine, writing has been a driving passion throughout her life. She became a professional copywriter (which is writing promotional materials for businesses), which led to her founding a copywriting and marketing company that serves clients all over the world.

Along with being a copywriter, she also writes novels (in fact, she just published her first novel, a psychological thriller/suspense/mystery called “The Stolen Twin” and her second novel “Mirror Image'” is set to be published in May 2016) plus, she is also the author of the “Love-Based Copy” books, which are a part of the “Love-Based Business” series and cover both business and personal development.

She holds a double major in English and Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently she lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband Paul and her border collie Nick and southern squirrel hunter Cassie.

Thanks to XPresso Book Tours for giving us the opportunity to promote this book.

mon firma

Cover Reveal: Kisses On A Paper Airplane by Sarah Vance-Tompkins

Era da un po’ che non ospitavamo un Cover Reveal, un po’ perché le trame non ci ispiravano troppo, un po’ per mancanza di tempo per fare le ricerche. Kia però ha trovato questo libro e ci è sembrato carinissimo e, dopo aver letto la trama, eravamo curiosissime di vedere la copertina e ci siamo iscritte.
Devo dire che a me piace davvero moltissimo. È molto colorata, giovanile, mi piacciono da morire i due ragazzi in primo piano così scuri, che quasi si fa fatica a vederne i volti e poi, dietro di loro, un cielo pieno di colore. Bella bella. Spero di riuscire a leggere anche il libro prima o poi perché, nonostante ultimamente i YA non mi vadano giù particolarmente bene, sono curiosa di provarlo.

Goodmorning everyone!
It’s been a while since the last Cover Reveal, but we didn’t have a lot of time in the last few months to go and search through possibile cover reveals to host on our little space. Last week, though, Kia found this book and after reading the synopsis signed up for the post because, come on, have you read it? Who can resist some girl in search of true love?
The cover is gorgeous. I love that the couple in the front that’s so in contrast with the backgroud. I love the colors and the font of the title. It’s really beautiful. Now, go on and add the book on GoodReads and let me know if you read it and what you think of it. I can’t wait to read it.

kisses on a paper airplane

Drama student Hannah Evans isn’t kissing any frogs on her path to find Prince Charming. She’s determined to share the perfect first kiss — with the perfect boy — in the perfect place — or she’s not kissing anyone at all. When Hannah meets a cute ginger-haired boy in first class lounge in the London airport, she knows he’s ‘The One.’

Pop star Theo Callahan is on the road to get as far away as possible from his back-stabbing best friend, and his supermodel girlfriend who broke his heart. Until one shy smile from Hannah has him rethinking all of his travel plans.

Theo is smitten, but he’s worried she’s just a groupie in search of the ultimate selfie. Can Theo learn to trust Hannah in time to share one perfect first kiss, or will Hannah be forced to kiss a frog?

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Sarah Vance-Tompkins was born in a small town in northern Michigan. She spent every summer exploring the sugar sand beaches near Sleeping Bear National Park. She left her heart behind when she moved to Los Angeles to attend the University of Southern California. She received an MFA in Film Production and went on to work in feature film development in Hollywood. She has worked as a reporter for a weekly entertainment trade publication, and been paid to write obituaries, press releases, the directions for use on personal lubricant bottles, and breathless descriptions of engagement rings for an online jewelry store. She lives in a small town north of Los Angeles with her husband and three cats.

mon firma