con riley

Teaser Tuesday #13


Gli esami ci stanno ammazzando e leggere sembra essere diventato un lusso da concedersi per pochi minuti al giorno. Riuscire a trovare un nuovo libro da cui trarre il Teaser ogni settimana si sta rivelando più complicato del previsto. Kia, che doveva pubblicare oggi, non è riuscita ad iniziare un nuovo libro, allora vi propongo uno spezzone di uno di quelli che ho letto io. La settimana scorsa non riuscivo a dormire e ho dovuto fare 4 ore di treno in due giorni (totalmente inaspettate), quindi ne ho approfittato per leggere un po’.
Non so se è il vostro genere di libro, ma se pensate vi possa interessare, provate a leggerlo, ne vale la pena.

teaser tuesday

“Morgan seems very pleasant.” She kept her face lowered as she spoke. Theo thought for a moment before speaking. “He argues a lot. He can’t cook. He’s as messy as hell. Sometimes he’ll say the opposite of what he believes just to test you. He’s slow to trust but quick to offer help. He has the hugest heart, and he’ll support people—complete strangers—who might turn around and hurt him. Sometimes he’s a little shit, usually right when he needs someone to lean on.” His mom stopped grating, looking up, her mouth open in a perfect O. “You might as well know right from the start, Mom. I have no idea what will happen between us. I have no idea how long we’ll last or if he even wants something long-term with me. But you need to know this: I want him in my life for as long as he’ll have me.” He sat opposite her, wrapping his hands around her bowl of cheese to stop them from shaking. “He’s younger than me. A lot younger than me.” He snorted, then added, “He thinks he knows more than me about everything.” He lowered his voice. “I think he’s probably right.” “Theo….” “No, Mom. Don’t say anything. I just had to tell you. It’s not like I’m a kid anymore, right? I’m old enough to make my own mistakes. I always was, and I’m more than old enough to recognize a good thing when I see it.” He watched her lips tighten. She looked up, her dark gray eyes mirror images of his own. “I think you have a pretty good track record of choosing well, Theo.” She wrapped her fingers around his. They sat in silence until the timer pinged. Chapter 19 – AFTER BEN di Con Riley

divisore dx

after ben A year after the sudden death of his longtime partner, Ben, Theo Anderson is still grieving. The last thing he’s looking for is a new lover. But as Theo soon discovers, sometimes life has other plans. While Theo experiences a powerful physical attraction to fellow gym member Peter, it’s his new online friend, Morgan, who provides the intellectual challenge to make him come alive. Morgan is witty, brave, and irreverent, and Theo is ready to take the plunge… until he discovers Morgan might be half his age. Theo’s late partner was significantly older-enough to strain Theo’s relationship with his family-and the potential of another relationship being cut short leaves him gunshy. Theo needs to lay Ben’s memory to rest, reconcile with his family, and rekindle neglected friendships if he’s to start afresh with a new lover. But Theo isn’t the only one with a past. His biggest challenge, in living after Ben, might not be his to face.

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