
Teaser Tuesday #47

Sono un po’ di corsa nel lasciarvi il Teaser Tuesday di oggi, ma eccolo qui. Tratto da un libretto che ho letto in un pomeriggio, carino anche se altamente irreale. Ma ve bene così, ogni tanto servono anche i libri così, che non rappresentano una realtà possibile, ma ci fanno sognare in ogni caso.
È a tema Natale, ma io leggo i libri ambientati a Natale in ogni periodo (stranamente sotto Natale quasi mai). Lo avete letto? Vi incuriosisce?

teaser tuesday

«Siete stati da Babbo Natale?»
Kelsey annuì. «Due volte. La prima avevo dimenticato di dirgli una cosa, così sono tornata. Si ricordava di me. Ha detto che avrebbe…»
«Kelsey» la interruppe Pip. «Bastava rispondere con un sì o un no.»
«Oh, allora, sì. Siamo stati da lui.»
«Sbaglio o eravate nel mio negozio, ieri?» domandò Ryan, accantonando l’iniziale proposito di non dare confidenza ai piccoli.
«Il negozio di bambole? Sì, mi piace tantissimo» sorrise Kelsey.
«È ben fornito, certo» convenne Pip in tono assennato. «Se ti piacciono le bambole» non poté fare a meno di aggiungere.
Ryan scoppiò a ridere. «A me piacciono molto.»
«Anche a me» ripeté Kelsey.
«Puoi venire quando vuoi» la invitò Ryan, ricordando l’estasi che aveva letto negli occhi della bambina, il giorno prima.
La piccola non se lo fece ripetere due volte. «Grazie. Se Pip è d’accordo, verrei volentieri dopo pranzo.»
«Ora mi ricordo» proruppe Max. «Sei l’esperta che mi ha aiutato a scegliere la bambola per mia nipote.»
«Esattamente. Mi chiamo Kelsey. Lui è mio fratello Peter, ma io lo chiamo Pip. Lo preferisco.»
«Lieto di fare la vostra conoscenza. Io sono Max.»
I bambini gli strinsero la mano e si voltarono verso la donna.
«Ryan» comunicò lei.
«Io ho sei anni» annunciò Kelsey. «Pip ne ha nove.»
«Io ne ho trentaquattro» informò Max in tono grave. «Tu, Ryan, quanti ne hai?»
Lei lo guardò sorpresa. «Ventotto.»
«Sei sposata?» incalzò la piccola.
«No» sorrise lei. «Non sono sposata.»
«Tu, Max?» domandò Pip.
«No» rispose quello divertito. «E tu Pip, ce l’hai una ragazza?»
«Ha solo nove anni!» obiettò Kelsey ridendo.
«Giusto» disse Max, strizzando l’occhio a Ryan.
Lei allungò la mano verso il bicchiere del tè, chiedendosi come potessero un bel sorriso e un’occhiata maliziosa far salire di colpo la temperatura corporea.

Capitolo 2 – UN SOGNO DI NOME RYAN di Gina Wilkins

divisore dx

un sogno di nome ryanRyan Clark ha un unico grande sogno: avere una famiglia, completa di marito, figli e tanto affetto. Purtroppo le manca un compagno con cui iniziare questo splendido progetto. E anche quando incontra Max Monroe, che ha tutte le caratteristiche dell’uomo perfetto e la attrae terribilmente, capisce che neppure questa sarà la volta buona. Lui infatti ha un motto che sembra non aver intenzione di tradire: nessun legame! Forse, però, grazia alla magia del Natale…

mon firma

Letture del mese – Gennaio 2016

letture del mese

Buongiorno e buon lunedì, se un lunedì può essere definito buono. Io e Kia (diciamo solo Kia) abbiamo deciso di raggruppare in un post alla fine di ogni mese i libri letti durante tale mese. È nata così questa rubrica: Letture del Mese. Nei post includeremo tutti i libri che abbiamo letto, anche quelli che non abbiamo recensito, con i rispettivi voti, in modo che possiate comunque farvi un’ idea della nostra opinione al riguardo. Troverete copertina, titolo, autore, link a GoodReads e link alla nostra eventuale recensione, oltre al voto in cupcakes. Speriamo così di riuscire a darvi molti consigli in più rispetto a quelli che derivano dalle sole recensioni e che possiate trovare tanti nuovi libri da leggere.

mon firma

Titolo: Deal Breakers
Autore: Laura Lee
Genere: Romance
Pagine: 267Recensione

rating 3

Titolo: A Season To Love
Autore: Nicole Deese
Genere: Contemporary, Romance
Pagine: 306


rating 4.5

a season to love
un sogno di nome ryan

Titolo: Un sogno di nome Ryan
Autore: Gina Wilkins
Genere: Romance
Pagine: 123


rating 3

divisore dx


un sogno di nome ryan

Titolo: Un sogno di nome Ryan
Autore: Gina Wilkins
Genere: Romance
Pagine: 123


rating 3

Titolo: Teorema Catherine
Autore: John Green
Genere: YA, Contemporary, Romance
Pagine: 342


rating 2.5

teorema catherine
tutte le volte che ho scritto ti amo

Titolo: Tutte le volte che ho scritto ti amo
Autore: Jenny Han
Genere: YA, Contemporary, Romance
Pagine: 220


rating 3.5

Book Blitz: The Prophecy of Shadows by Michelle Madow

the prophecy of shadows book blitz

Ciao a tutti! Terzo post promozionale in tre giorni. La cosa è abbastanza emozionante. Non succede proprio tutte le settimane di avere così tanti libri da promuovere. E soprattutto, mi sento di dire, tre libri di fila con copertine così belle. In particolare questa mi ha fatta impazzire. Il suo essere invernale e magica allo stesso tempo. Come potevo, amando l’inverno, la neve e la magia, ignorare un libro del genere? Ovviamente, è già entrato nella TBR di quest’anno.
Mi stavo quasi dimenticando il giveaway per vincere una giftcard Amazon o B&N da 25$. Avete tempo per partecipare solo fino al 4 febbraio!

Hello everyone! This is the third promotional post in three days and I’m kind of excited. Doesn’t happen every week that we get to promote so many amazing books. When we got the e-mail for the Blitz about “The Prophecy of Shadows” I instantly fell in love wih the cover. It’s so wintery (I don’t know if that’s even a word, but I hope you’ll get what I mean) and I love winter and snow. I also love magic and witches, so this book is definitely going to be a must read of this year.
Oh, I almost forgot! There’s a giveaway for you at the end of the post where you can win a 25$ for Amazon or B&N. It ends on February 4th so be sure to enter before that.

the prophecy of shadows
Title: The Prophecy of Shadows (Elementals #1)
Author: Michelle Madow
Publication date: January 26th 2016
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Filled with magic, thrilling adventure, and sweet romance, Elementals is the first in a new series that fans of Percy Jackson and The Secret Circle will love!

When Nicole Cassidy moves from sunny Georgia to gloomy New England, the last thing she expects is to learn that her homeroom is a cover for a secret coven of witches. Even more surprisingly … she’s apparently a witch herself. Despite doubts about her newfound abilities, Nicole is welcomed into this ancient circle of witches and is bedazzled by their powers–and, to her dismay, by Blake–the school’s notorious bad-boy.

Girls who get close to Blake wind up hurt. His girlfriend Danielle will do anything to keep them away, even if she must resort to using dark magic. But the chemistry between Blake and Nicole is undeniable, and despite wanting to protect Nicole from Danielle’s wrath, he finds it impossible to keep his distance.

When the Olympian Comet shoots through the sky for the first time in three thousand years, Nicole, Blake, Danielle, and two others in their homeroom are gifted with mysterious powers. But the comet has another effect–it opens the portal to the prison world that has contained the Titans for centuries. After an ancient monster escapes and attacks Nicole and Blake, it’s up to them and the others to follow the clues from a cryptic prophecy so that they can save their town … and possibly the world.



“There’s energy everywhere.” Chris moved his hands in a giant arc above his head to demonstrate. “Humans know that energy exists—they’ve harnessed it for electronics. The difference between us and humans is that we have the power to tap into energy and use it ourselves, and humans don’t.” He smiled at me, as if I was supposed to understand what he meant. “Make sense?”
“Not really,” I said. “Sorry.”
“It’s easier if you relate it to something familiar,” he said, speaking faster. “What happens to the handle of a metal spoon when you leave it in boiling water?”
“It gets hot?” I said it as a question. This was stuff people learned in fifth grade science—not high school homeroom.
“And what happens when it’s plastic?”
“It doesn’t get hot,” I said slowly. “It stays room temperature.”
“Exactly.” He grinned at me like I’d just solved an astrophysics mathematical equation. “Humans are like plastic. Even if they’re immersed in energy, they can’t conduct it. Witches are like metal. We have the ability to absorb energy and control it as we want.”



“There’s a reason we’re required to take Greek mythology.” Blake scooted closer to me, as if about to tell me a secret, and I leaned forward in anticipation. “Did you know that we—meaning everyone in our homeroom—are descended from the Greek gods?”
I arched an eyebrow. “Like Zeus and all of them living in a castle on the clouds?” I asked.
“Exactly.” He smirked. “Except that they’re referred to as the Olympians, and they call their ‘castle in the clouds’ Mount Olympus.”
“So you’re saying that we’re gods?”
“We’re not gods.” He smiled and shook his head. “But we have ‘diluted god blood’ in us. It’s what gives us our powers

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Michelle Madow grew up in Baltimore, graduated Rollins College in Orlando, and now lives in Boca Raton, Florida. She wrote her first book in her junior year of college, and has been writing novels since. Some of her favorite things are: reading, pizza, traveling, shopping, time travel, Broadway musicals, and spending time with friends and family. Michelle has toured across America to promote her books and to encourage high school students to embrace reading and writing. Someday, she hopes to travel the world for a year on a cruise ship.

Thanks to XPresso Book Tours for giving us the opportunity to promote this book.

mon firma

Blog Tour: Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus

Buongiorno a tutti! Oggi Blog Tour dedicato a Killer Pursuit, un thriller che mi ha subito attirata per la sua copertina. Mette ansia me ne rendo conto, ma è un po’ lo scopo delle copertine dei thriller. Quindi ci sta un sacco.
Per invogliarvi a leggerlo, vi lascio un estratto. Che ne pensate?

Trovate le tappe del Blog Tour qui e vi ricordiamo che il giveaway termina il 4 febbraio 2016.

Hello everyone! Today’s post is dedicated to Killer Pursuit, a thriller with an amazing cover. I love the colors, the shadow of the man behind the girl, who seems so vulnerable and the darkness underneath. I really really like it. Are you going to read it?

You can find the other tour stops here and we want to remind you that the giveaway to win a $50 Amazon gift card end on February 4th, 2016.
killer pursuit
Titolo: Killer Pursuit
Autore: Jeff Gunhus
Disponibile in italiano: No

When a high-society call girl is murdered in her Georgetown home, investigators find two cameras hidden in the walls of her bedroom. One has its memory erased, presumably by the murderer. The second is connected to the Internet through an encrypted connection…and no-one knows who’s on the other end.

Special Agent Allison McNeil is asked by beleaguered FBI Director Clarence Mason to run an off-the-record investigation of the murder. The most direct path to apprehending the killer is to find the videos, but with rumors that the victim’s client list may have included Mason’s political enemies, Allison worries about the director’s motives. As she starts her investigation, she quickly discovers that she’s not the only one pursuing the videos. In fact, the most aggressive person racing against her might be the murderer himself.



Allison shouted into her mic. “No, wait!”
As the words came out, one man threw the flash-bang grenade through the window and the other reared back with the ram.
The grenade went off inside, lighting up all the windows on the lower floor, the percussive force loud even from where Allison watched. The other man swung the ram forward with enough force to smash through the decrepit door.
But the second it hit the old wood…
A bomb detonated inside the cabin. All four walls blew out, pulverized by the blast, sending a deadly wave of splintered wood and fire roaring outward.
On reflex, Allison ducked behind the log. Even so, she felt the heat and the pressure from the explosion pour over her. Debris slammed against the log. Bits of shrapnel zinged by her head.
She looked up and saw Garret prone on the ground. She reached out for him, thinking he was hit. He flinched at her touch and glanced up at her. Something had torn a nasty gash through his left cheek, but it wasn’t serious. Behind him, his assistant Doug held his shoulder, moaning. As Garret saw to him, Allison stood and surveyed the carnage.
The building had disintegrated from the force of the blast. Burning debris littered the field. Sharp boards stuck into the soil like arrows. With the smoke hanging in the air she couldn’t see what had happened to the tactical team.
But she heard them. Screaming. Groaning in pain.
The smoke shifted and she saw them, laid out on the ground twenty or thirty feet from the house.
Their black tactical gear smoking.
The screamers writhing on the ground.
Others lying there. Not moving. Bodies twisted into unnatural positions.
“Agents down. Agents down,” she cried out, climbing over the log. As she ran toward the nearest man, she realized she hadn’t toggled her mic. “Agents down,” she yelled. “Need all available medical teams.”


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